Volume 12 Number 88
                       Produced: Thu Apr 28  7:41:59 1994

Subjects Discussed In This Issue: 

Ask it right
         [Moshe Goldberg]
Cooking Parve and Basar Be'halab
         [Shirley Gee]
Early Shabbat
         [Martin Friederwitzer]
false prophet
         [Rena Whiteson]
         [Lon Eisenberg]
Golus in Israel
         [Nachum Chernofsky]
Gott fun Avrohom
         [Eli Turkel]
Jewish Mothers and Prayer
         [Martin Friederwitzer]
Ki Gerim Hayitem
         [Constance Stillinger]
Pork in the time of Moshiach
         [Michael Broyde]
Primers on Judaism
         [Jack Reiner]
Stitches on Shabbat
         [Cathleen Greenberg]
Stitches, a follow up
         [Mitch Berger]


From: <vamosh@...> (Moshe Goldberg)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 08:39:15 -0400
Subject: Ask it right

Avi noted in v12n82:

> [Have you found a Prominent Rav who has written a tshuva permitting
> watching television not during sefirah? 1/2 :-). I strongly suspect that
> many of the Poskim who were asked "Is is permissable to watch movies
> during sefira?" who answered "No." would have given the same answer if
> you left out the sefira part. Mod.]

And then, of course, it helps to know how to ask -- or let's say, your rabbi
can give a more responsive answer if he knows all the background.

A long time ago, a friend of mine who was studying "the performing arts"
found that as part of his Master's degree he had to act in plays on Friday
night. The question that was sent to at the time to a prominent rav went
something like: "Mr X wants to improve his skills in presenting ideas so that
he will be able to educate Jewish youth in the most effective way.  Is there
any problem in performing along with goyim on a Friday night, if he himself
is not involved in lights, microphones, etc?" To this correctly worded
question, the answer was that is was permissable. Nowadays, my friend is
very effective in teaching yidishkeit to young minds.

(I apologize for the lack of detail in the above, but:  (1) I have no
permission from anybody to tell the story; (2) I want to make sure nobody
tries to reach operative conclusions.)



From: <gee@...> (Shirley Gee)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 10:11:39 PDT
Subject: Re: Cooking Parve and Basar Be'halab

	I asked my LOR about this issue recently and from a practical
standpoint, his response was as follows:

	If the fleshig pot has been cleaned thoroughly and at least 24 hours
have passed since it was last used to cook meat, then it may be used (with
intent) to cook parve items which can then be consumed with dairy. The
reverse is also true; a clean milchig pot which hasn't been used to cook
dairy items in the last 24 hours may be used to cook parve items which can
then be eaten with meat. This ruling also applies to kitchen appliances
(e.g., a fleishig food processor can be used to process parve items if the
bowl has been thoroughly cleaned and unused for a day).

Shirley J. Gee


From: <martin.friederwitzer@...> (Martin Friederwitzer)
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 94 12:45:07 EST
Subject: Early Shabbat

I think it is important to note that eventhough we daven Mincha before the
Plag we must not light candles until after the Plag. I believe that it is
a question of a Brocha L'vatola, a Brocha said in vain.


From: <rena@...> (Rena Whiteson)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 14:58:50 -0400
Subject: false prophet

 In v12n73 Sam Juni <JUNI@...> comments:
 >       C. I personally find the idea of G-d actually sending us a
 > misleading false prophesy (in contrast to G-d not interfering with a
 > messenger who decides to falsify a prophecy, or with a person
 > fabricating one) perplexing.  If G-d actually sends us a false prophet,
 > does the Bais Din execute him even if he is an accurate reporter of his
 > message? The idea of G-d sponsoring actual miracles just to deceieve and
 > test the audience is incongruous. I believe that the Talmud (Sanhedrin
 > 90a) rejects this notion explicitly.

I am also perplexed by the idea of HaShem sending a false prophet.  Why
would He do such a thing?  But in addition, I think there is a paradox
here.  How can HaShem send a false prophet? If HaShem has sent him, then
surely he is a genuine prophet by definition!

Rena Whiteson


From: eisenbrg%<milcse@...> (Lon Eisenberg)
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 94 07:42:31 IDT
Subject: Galuth

I would propose to Mitch Berger that galuth (diaspora) is not a switch
that is turned on or off; there are levels of galuth.  'Erez Israel is
at a higher level of qedushah (holiness) and at a lower level of galuth
than other places.


From: <F5E017@...> (Nachum Chernofsky)
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 94 12:44 O
Subject: Golus in Israel

Although we aren't supposed to get emotional on this list, I can't help
feeling that Micha Berger's posting about "Golus in Israel" was an
excuse for staying in Chutz La'aretz.  "Ein Torah K'torat Eretz Yisrael"
should say it all.  He was skirting the real issue.  It can't be denied
that someone learning in these American ghettos in Israel is missing out
on the Israeli experience. I'll leave it to each reader's imagination to
formulate what the Israeli experience should be.  But I think that one
of the goals of a year's stay in Israel is to make the student want to
come back for more, after his student days are over (i.e. come on
Aliya).  Has anyone ever done research on the percentages?  It might be
interesting to analyze the results.

I'd like to think that the same way there are various "madurot" (levels)
of "g'henom", there are various levels of "Galut".  If Hashem gave us
the "zchut" to come back to the Eretz Yisrael level of Galut, shouldn't
we jump at the chance?

Nachum Chernofsky


From: <turkel@...> (Eli Turkel)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 09:24:25 +0300
Subject: Gott fun Avrohom

     In response to a side remark by Marc Shaipro on the artscroll
siddur.  My wife and daughters say Gott fun Avrohom though not identical
to the version in artscroll. I am curious if other women say this also
on motzei shabbat.



From: <martin.friederwitzer@...> (Martin Friederwitzer)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 09:49:25 EST
Subject: Jewish Mothers and Prayer

Mark Steiner writes correctly that the Chofetz Chaim instructed his wife
not to Daven because she had small children to take care of. This is
quoted in "KOL KISVEI " of the Chofetz Chaim and is told over by his son


From: Constance Stillinger <cas@...>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 02:06:29 -0400
Subject: Re: Ki Gerim Hayitem

The question as I understood it was not about correcting *non-halakhic*
behavior, but about behavior that just doesn't seem Jewish, somehow.  In
this case, I would strongly suggest that before doing or saying
anything, be sure to ask yourself if their behavior is *really* goyish
or whether it might fall into the category of a legitimate variation in
Jewish behavior.



From: Michael Broyde <RELMB@...>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 20:15:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Pork in the time of Moshiach

For a long disucssion of the various sources within midrash for the
assertion that chazir will return to being kosher, see the very
beginning of the encyclopedia talmudit article on "Chazir" in volume 13.
It is commonly asserted by the various reshinim that that midrash is not
to be taken literally as correct.  Vast systemic problems of halachic
process occur according to many different opinions in the rishonim if
halacha changes when mashach comes.  For more on this see the last
chapter in Rambam, Malachim and Aruch HaShulchan He'Atid, end of
Malachim.  (The correctness of the midrash might , in my opinion, be
dependent on the order of events between techyat hamatim and beyat
hamashich, which is a dispute between the gaonim and Rambam.).  In
addition, I am interested in a written recounting of the pesak of the
Chafetz Chaim about his wife/mother not being obligated to pray when
small children are in the house.  Such is not found in the Mishnah


From: Jack Reiner <jack@...>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 14:58:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Primers on Judaism

> In v12n72, Maidi Katz <Katz+atwain%DEBEVOISE_&<_PLIMPTON@...> 
> writes:
> Can anyone recommend a general book on "Judaism"/Jewish Law for a
> highly intelligent, very well secularly educated person with very
> little formal or informal Jewish education (i.e. only Sunday
> Hebrew school kind of thing.)  Nothing "Art Scroll like", nothing
> right wing and nothing too touchy-feely please.  Thanks.

 From my personal experience, I highly recommend _Jewish Literacy_
by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, Morrow Press.  It covers the Bible, 
our history, our culture, Isreal & Zionism, and anti-semitism.
It is well written and comprehendable.  I bought it from a mail-order 
book club, and it should be available, or at least order-able, in 
standard book stores.

Kol Tuv,
Jack Reiner


From: Cathleen Greenberg <CGREENBE@...>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 21:13:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Stitches on Shabbat

Quoting from _Medical_Halacha_ by Abraham Abraham MD,FRCP:

"The edges of a superficial cut may be brought together using previously 
prepared butterfly plasters.  Regarding deeper cuts, bleeding should be 
stopped, if possible, by pressure.  When only a short time remains before 
the termination of the Sabbath, such wounds should be sutured after the 
Sabbath.  If the bleeding continues, or if the risk of infection does not 
allow delay, the cut should be sutured on the Sabbath."

Unfortunately I  cannot read hebrew without the vowels, so I am unable to 
quote his source for this.

As to the medical side, stitches can be placed up to approximately 12
hours after an injury.  Additionally, I was taught that butterfly
bandages do at least as good a job approximating the edges of a wound
(one resident on general surgery told me they do a better job).

-Chaya Greenberg


From: <mberger@...> (Mitch Berger)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 08:57:58 -0400
Subject: Re: Stitches, a follow up

Well, the wound was cleaned, and a "butterfly" bandage was used. From every
standpoint but cosmetic, the wound has healed. Loss of blood was minimal,
I don't remember feeling lightheaded - just scared what Mommy was going to
say when she saw how I ruined a good suit.

Perhaps before posting a childhood memory, I should have better looked
into issues I wouldn't have paid attention to at the time. Or at least
not named the Rav.

For example, it is fully possible (since that is what happened) that the
Rav was told that the wound would heal either way, and that the sutures
would only speed up the process, or yield a more aesthetic result.

| Micha Berger       | (201) 916-0287 | On Torah, on worship, and |    |  |   |
| <mberger@...> |<- new address  |   on supporting kindness  |    |  |   |


End of Volume 12 Issue 88